Monday, October 25, 2010

Economics 101 (Part 4): Understanding the Federal Reserve

Economics 101 (Part 4): Understanding the Federal Reserve

The absolute keys to understanding the Economy and the foundation on which it operates lies in understanding:

1. Where money comes from?
2. How it's created?
3. Who's in charge of its creation?

This information isn't simply here to encourage you to be a johnny-doogooder.  I'm not here to harp on some charity cause that you should be involved in or some political agenda of an interest group.  This information affects your pocket book... directly whether you realize it or not. If you have $500 in the bank or $5,000,000 this effects YOUR money in a BIG way.  And, the best part, all hope is not lost.  You can learn how you can not only preserve your wealth, but also benefit from the Federal Reserve shenanigans.

For now let's stick to the facts.  This video is an absolute must see.  It explains the history of the federal reserve without all the fluff, but I'm going to highlight the undisputed facts of the video as well as the history of the federal reserve.

FACT #1: A central bank has absolute control over a money supply (how much money is created), therefore the inherent inflation that occurs.

FACT #2: A country loans itself money at interest.  Every single dollar produced is loaned out to banks with interest with immediate debt attached to it, therefore, the debt created and now owed to the central bank must come from the central bank itself.

FACT #3: It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to avoid inflation in a system that produces money with interest attached  when only one group (the central bank) is in charge of creating the currency.

FACT #4: Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

FACT #5: Between 1791-1913 three attempts were made to create a "central bank" of the United States. The first two attempts had charters created, but were eventually struck down headed by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other founding fathers.

FACT #6: After the 1909 panic, a federal investigation was launched, headed by Nelson Aldrich.  Aldrich later married into the Rockefeller family through marriage.

FACT #7: December 23, 1913, when OVER HALF of the members of congress were home with their families, Senator Aldrich along with supporters of the Federal Reserve, acted in order to vote in the Federal Reserve Act of 1914 which ultimately created the central bank of the United States.

FACT#8: Today, are money, digital, paper, or coin, is backed by absolutely nothing other than the "good faith and credit" of the United States government.

Enjoy the 10 minute video...It's a must watch.

Let Freedom Ring!


  1. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing and encouraging me to think outside of the box.

  2. I agree with Erin that this is very interesting stuff and I greatly encourage you to put out more like it!!

    But, I still think that you should add to fact #5 that the person who was heading the creation of the first "Central Bank" was in fact one of the founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton, I believe that is quite important to point out, as he is a founding father and wanted this from the beginning.

  3. That's a good point 17. I should add that. As far as factual information, that is correct. I will refrain from giving my personal view of Mr. Hamilton. :)

    Thanks for your input!
